We are a group of Green-minded Germans in London and the UK, most of us are members of the German political party BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN which is the sister party to Green Party in the UK.
We hold weekly meetings in Central London, whereby we discuss Brexit, German-British relations, Green issues in Germany and the UK, and daily life.
Our aim is to deliver a platform for like-minded people, the meetings are held in German. Furthermore, we do networking with Green organisations in the UK and organise events about Brexit, the European elections, and many more.
Besides this, we join demonstrations like the People’s March in London, volunteer and plan to take volunteer action and plan film nights.
In our series „Green Pub Talks“ we have received German Green politicians like Cem Özdemir, Toni Hofreiter, Jamila Schäfer, Terry Reintke and Ramona Pop.
Follow our latest developments on our social media channels on instagram and Facebook and feel free to subscribe to our e-mail list (in German):
Mailing list: london@gruene-xhain.de