Information for EU Citizens
On February 12, elections will be held for Berlin’s House of Representatives (Abgeordnetenhaus) and Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg’s district council (Bezirksverordnetenversammlungen).
As an EU citizen living in Berlin you are entitled to cast your vote for the district council!
Are you an EU citizen living in Berlin? Then you are entitled to vote in the upcoming district elections!
Who will you be voting for?
The Bezirksverordnetenversammlungen (BVV) are the governments of Berlin’s twelve districts. They are comprised of honorary representatives and determine the guidelines for policies in the district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Mitte, Neukölln and all the others. The BVV encourage actions whilst overseeing the political dealings of the district authority (Bezirksamt) through a district mayor (Bezirksbürgermeister*in) and municipal councillors (Stadträt*innen). The district mayor and municipal councillors are elected by secret ballot by the BVV.
The district government can initiate a number of policies relating to
- Urban development, rent and living
- Traffic, environment and climate protection
- Daycare/Childcare, schools and participation
- Diversity, Inclusion and Representation
(list is not exhaustive)
The new bike lanes, additional daycare places, healthy school lunches, playground restorations and the protection of tenants from gentrification that you may have seen or heard of in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, all this is made possible through the district council and authority. And this is, why it matters and why you should cast your vote on September 26th.
How does it work?
Every EU citizen who is at least 16 years of age on September 26th and has a registered residence (Anmeldung) in Berlin will automatically receive a polling card (Wahlschein) via mail. On the polling card you will find the address of your dedicated polling station (typically no more than a 5-10 minute walk away from your home). On the day of the election, you will have to bring an ID card or passport and the polling card to the station to be allowed to vote.
Unfortunately, very few EU citizens in Berlin use their right to vote. We therefore want to encourage you to vote and to use this opportunity to exercise your democratic powers as an EU citizen and have a say in how the districts (Bezirke) are run.
Last but not least, we, the Greens, will continue to fight for the extension of voting rights to all permanent residents, including those without an EU passport.
Some additional information
Who is running for district mayor?
Clara Herrmann is our candidate for district mayor of Berlin-Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg.
Who is running for the district council?
For the BVV elections, we enter a strong list of 50 candidates.
What is our agenda for the coming term?
Our district election program can be found here (in German).
Do you have any other question?
Do not hesitate to contact us:
Bündnis 90/Die Grünen
Dresdener Straße 10
10999 Berlin
telephone: 030 614 31 46
¿Es usted un ciudadano de la UE que vive en Berlín? Entonces tiene derecho a votar en las próximas elecciones de distrito.
¿A quién va a votar?
Las Bezirksverordnetenversammlungen (BVV) son los gobiernos de los doce distritos de Berlín. Están formados por representantes honoríficos y determinan las directrices de la política en el distrito de Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Mitte, Neukölln y todos los demás. La BVV fomenta las acciones y supervisa los asuntos políticos de la autoridad del distrito (Bezirksamt) a través de un alcalde de distrito (Bezirksbürgermeister*in) y los concejales municipales (Stadträt*innen). El alcalde de distrito y los concejales municipales son elegidos en votación secreta por el BVV.
El gobierno del distrito puede iniciar una serie de políticas relacionadas con
- Desarrollo urbano, alquiler y vivienda
- Tráfico, medio ambiente y protección del clima
- Guarderías, escuelas y participación
- Diversidad, inclusión y representación
(la lista no es exhaustiva)
Los nuevos carriles para bicicletas, las plazas de guardería adicionales, los almuerzos escolares saludables, la restauración de los patios de recreo y la protección de los inquilinos contra el aburguesamiento que habrás visto o escuchado en Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, todo esto es posible gracias al consejo y la autoridad del distrito. Y esto es, por lo que importa y por lo que deberías votar el 26 de septiembre.
¿Cómo funciona?
Todos los ciudadanos de la UE que tengan al menos 16 años el 26 de septiembre y estén empadronados en Berlín recibirán automáticamente una tarjeta electoral (Wahlschein) por correo. En la tarjeta electoral encontrará la dirección de su colegio electoral (normalmente a no más de 5-10 minutos a pie de su casa). El día de las elecciones, tendrá que llevar al colegio electoral un documento de identidad o pasaporte y la tarjeta electoral para poder votar.
Lamentablemente, muy pocos ciudadanos de la UE en Berlín hacen uso de su derecho al voto. Por lo tanto, queremos animarle a votar y a aprovechar esta oportunidad para ejercer sus poderes democráticos como ciudadano de la UE y tener voz en la gestión de los distritos (Bezirke).
Por último, pero no por ello menos importante, nosotros, los Verdes, seguiremos luchando por la ampliación del derecho de voto a todos los residentes permanentes, incluidos los que no tienen pasaporte de la UE.
Algunas informaciones adicionales
¿Quién se presenta a la alcaldía del distrito?
Clara Herrmann es nuestra candidata a la alcaldía del distrito de Berlín-Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg.
¿Quién se presenta a la alcaldía del distrito?
Para las elecciones de la BVV, presentamos una sólida lista de 50 candidatos.
¿Cuál es nuestro programa para la próxima legislatura?
Nuestro programa electoral del distrito se puede encontrar aquí (en alemán).
¿Tiene alguna otra pregunta?
No dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros:
Bündnis 90/Die Grünen
Dresdener Straße 10
10999 Berlín
teléfono: 030 614 31 46
Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor
Êtes-vous un citoyen européen vivant à Berlin ? Vous avez alors le droit de voter lors des prochaines élections de district.
Pour qui allez-vous voter ?
Les Bezirksverordnetenversammlungen (BVV) sont les gouvernements des douze arrondissements de Berlin. Ils sont composés de représentants honoraires et déterminent les orientations politiques dans les arrondissements de Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Mitte, Neukölln et tous les autres arrondissements. Le BVV encourage les actions et supervise les affaires politiques de l’autorité du district (Bezirksamt) par l’intermédiaire d’un maire de district (Bezirksbürgermeister*in) et des conseillers municipaux (Stadträt*innen). Le maire de district et les conseillers municipaux sont élus au scrutin secret par le BVV.
Le gouvernement du district peut initier un certain nombre de politiques liées à
- Développement urbain, loyer et logement
- Circulation, environnement et protection du climat
- Garde d’enfants, écoles et participation
- Diversité, inclusion et représentation
(la liste n’est pas exhaustive)
Les nouvelles pistes cyclables, les places supplémentaires en maternelle, les repas scolaires sains, la restauration des aires de jeux et la protection des locataires contre la gentrification que vous avez peut-être vus ou entendus à Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg sont tous rendus possibles par le conseil et l’autorité du district. Et c’est pourquoi cela compte et pourquoi vous devriez voter le 26 septembre.
Comment cela fonctionne-t-il ?
Tous les citoyens européens qui auront au moins 16 ans le 26 septembre et qui sont inscrits à Berlin recevront automatiquement une carte de vote (Wahlschein) par courrier. Sur la carte de vote, vous trouverez l’adresse de votre bureau de vote (généralement à 5-10 minutes à pied de votre domicile). Le jour du scrutin, vous devrez apporter une carte d’identité ou un passeport et la carte de vote au bureau de vote pour pouvoir voter.
Malheureusement, très peu de citoyens européens à Berlin font usage de leur droit de vote. Nous vous encourageons donc à voter et à profiter de cette occasion pour exercer vos pouvoirs démocratiques en tant que citoyen de l’UE et pour avoir votre mot à dire dans la gestion des districts (Bezirke).
Enfin et surtout, nous, les Verts, continuerons à nous battre pour l’extension du droit de vote à tous les résidents permanents, y compris ceux qui n’ont pas de passeport européen.
Quelques informations supplémentaires
Qui est candidat au poste de maire du district ?
Clara Herrmann est notre candidate au poste de maire du district de Berlin-Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg.
Qui se présente au conseil de district ?
Nous présentons une liste solide de 50 candidats pour les élections du BVV.
Quel est notre programme pour la prochaine législature ?
Vous pouvez trouver notre programme électoral de district ici (en allemand).
Avez-vous d’autres questions ?
N’hésitez pas à nous contacter :
Bündnis 90/Die Grünen
Dresdener Straße 10
10999 Berlin
Téléphone : 030 614 31 46
Traduit avec (version gratuite)
Jesteś obywatelem UE mieszkającym w Berlinie? W takim razie masz prawo do głosowania w nadchodzących wyborach dzielnicowych!
Na kogo będziesz głosować?
Bezirksverordnetenversammlungen (BVV) są rządami dwunastu dzielnic Berlina. Składają się one z honorowych przedstawicieli i ustalają wytyczne dla polityki w dzielnicach Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Mitte, Neukölln i wszystkich innych. BVV zachęca do podejmowania działań, nadzorując jednocześnie polityczne poczynania władz dzielnicy (Bezirksamt) poprzez burmistrza dzielnicy (Bezirksbürgermeister*in) i radnych miejskich (Stadträt*innen). Burmistrz dzielnicy i radni miejscy są wybierani w tajnym głosowaniu przez BVV.
Władze dzielnicy mogą inicjować szereg polityk dotyczących
Rozwoju miejskiego, wynajmu i mieszkania
ruchu drogowego, ochrony środowiska i klimatu
Opieka dzienna/opieka nad dziećmi, szkoły i uczestnictwo
Różnorodność, integracja i reprezentacja
(lista nie jest wyczerpująca)
Nowe ścieżki rowerowe, dodatkowe miejsca w przedszkolach, zdrowe obiady w szkołach, odnawianie placów zabaw i ochrona lokatorów przed gentryfikacją, które być może widzieliście lub słyszeliście we Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg – wszystko to jest możliwe dzięki radzie dzielnicy i władzom. I właśnie dlatego jest to tak ważne i dlatego powinni Państwo 26 września oddać swój głos.
Jak to działa?
Każdy obywatel Unii Europejskiej, który 26 września ukończy 16 lat i jest zameldowany w Berlinie, otrzyma automatycznie pocztą kartę do głosowania (Wahlschein). Na karcie wyborczej znajduje się adres właściwego dla Państwa lokalu wyborczego (z reguły oddalonego od miejsca zamieszkania o nie więcej niż 5-10 minut pieszo). W dniu wyborów, aby móc głosować, należy przynieść do lokalu wyborczego dowód osobisty lub paszport oraz kartę do głosowania.
Niestety bardzo niewielu obywateli UE w Berlinie korzysta z prawa do głosowania. Dlatego zachęcamy Państwa do udziału w wyborach i skorzystania z tej okazji, aby jako obywatele UE skorzystać ze swoich demokratycznych uprawnień i mieć wpływ na to, jak zarządzane są dzielnice (Bezirke).
I wreszcie my, Zieloni, będziemy nadal walczyć o rozszerzenie prawa do głosowania na wszystkich stałych mieszkańców, również tych bez paszportu UE.
Kilka dodatkowych informacji
Kto kandyduje na starostę?
Clara Herrmann jest naszą kandydatką na burmistrza dzielnicy Berlin-Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg.
Kto kandyduje do rady dzielnicy?
W wyborach do BVV wystawiamy silną listę 50 kandydatów.
Jaki jest nasz program wyborczy na nadchodzącą kadencję?
Nasz dzielnicowy program wyborczy można znaleźć tutaj (w języku niemieckim).
Czy mają Państwo jeszcze jakieś pytania?
Nie wahaj się z nami skontaktować:
Bündnis 90/Die Grünen
Dresdener Straße 10
10999 Berlin
telefon: 030 614 31 46
Przetłumaczono z (wersja darmowa)
Local Election Program 2021 – Hier geht’s weiter
Dear citizens of Friedrichshain and Kreuzberg,
on 12 February your vote will decide what the future will look like in our district, We, the Greens, want to continue to shape the future here in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg with courage and new ideas – for you and with you, for all the people in our district.Our district is unique. It is full of diversity and creativity, full of individuality and at the same time characterised by a great sense of community. Our district is a place where many things begin, whose residents try new things and tackle the big challenges. Here, ideas become reality and debates are initiated. This is where change begins, but it also has an impact beyond the district. This is what makes our district unique.We are facing great changes: We are all feeling the impacts of climate change beginning and the effects of the corona pandemic. In the wake of these problems we are seeing entrenched racism and hatred; society is becoming more and more divided into rich and poor. We do not want to govern in order to react. We Greens want to take the future into our own hands. We have the courage to act together and decisively, with vision, reason and responsibility, great vision and concrete projects. The goal of our policy is a liveable Xhain in the heart of Berlin – for everyone.
We fight for …
- consistent tenant protection and the preservation of open spaces
- climate protection and more urban greenery in the district
- an ecological transport policy with more space for cycling and walking
- a gender-equal, diverse and open society
- neighbourhood-appropriate tourism and a strengthening of the common good economy
- good, inclusive schools for all and a strong social infrastructure
- the preservation and promotion of cultural diversity
We continue to fight for an ecological transformation in transport, more space and better infrastructure for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport.
We …
- reduce through traffic and design residential areas that are inviting to play and relax in
- convert car parking spaces into pocket parks, cycle paths or footpaths
- promote alternatives to motorised freight transport
- continue to oppose the further construction of the A100 motorway
- connect Friedrichshain and Kreuzberg better through the expansion of public transport lines.
The fight against global warming and species extinction is the most important task of our time. A just, liveable and secure future for all people can only be achieved by protecting the environment. We want to preserve the foundation of our lives – clean air and water, less noise – for ourselves and our children, also and especially in the centre of Berlin.
We …
- plant new greenery in courtyards, on roofs and on facades
- promote decentralised, emission-free energy production through photovoltaics
- commit ourselves as a district to procure only sustainably and fairly
We fight on the side of tenants at all political levels and show speculators the red card. To do this, we take new, often unconventional paths, break new legal ground and dare to confront the real estate lobby.
We …
- protect affordable housing with milieu protection
- promote affordable new construction
- fight against the misuse of housing space
- use the right of first refusal against property speculation
- support the initiative to expropriate Deutsche Wohnen & Co.
The residents of our district need open spaces as meeting places and for the development of individual lifestyles. We do everything we can to protect them from displacement and privatisation.
We …
- Rely on large scale citizen participation
- demand redensification with planned social infrastructure
- protect open spaces for alternative forms of housing
The mixture of small-scale neighbourhood structures, established businesses, diverse gastronomy, open social and living spaces, all of which are worthy of protection, characterises the atmosphere and coexistence in our district.
We …
- think globally and act locally as a fair trade district
- campaign at federal level for a commercial tenancy law that protects against displacement
- promote social cohesion through socially responsible economic incentives
enable the inclusion of people with disabilities in work and employment.
Tourism has become an important economic factor for Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg. It provides many people with a livelihood, offers small businesses a long-term perspective and is essential for the survival of culture, subculture and clubs. However, this puts a strain on neighbourhoods through noise, rubbish and displacement.
We …
- strengthen the rights of affected residents to have a say and to participate in decision-making at state and district level
- demand that revenues from the city tax flow back to the districts
- advocate better management of tourism at state level
- demand more public toilets, rubbish bins and more frequent cleaning by BSR.
We strive for a society in which all people have equal rights, regardless of their gender, origin, sexual orientation or identity.
We …
- advocate diversity in politics and administration
- create a balanced number of women in politics through quotas of Green representatives in district offices and parliamentary groups
- make women visible in public space by (re)naming streets/places
- support and maintain women’s and girls‘ projects in Xhain
- Strengthen the district’s diversity team and employ an ombudsperson for the queer community.
Art, culture and cultural education are more than just icing on the cake. Cultural participation is a fundamental right and access to culture must be possible for all.
We …
– safeguard existing cultural spaces and create new ones
– promote the expansion of and access to local educational institutions (libraries, adult education centres (Volkshochschule), music schools)
– strengthen the diverse culture of remembrance in the district
– make public space a stage for non-commercial artistic and cultural projects
– support club culture
Solidarity and social justice are important to the community in our district. Our social policy should enable fair participation and a self-determined life for all people in Xhain.
We …
– strengthen the district health offices (Gesundheitsamt)
– expand the social-psychological service
– secure the care of people in need of help (expansion of care support points and help services)
– create more neighbourhood centres
– advocate for outreach work and more support around the Görli.
– extend park management to other parks and neighbourhoods.
We believe in a community-oriented drug policy that allows freedom but protects against addiction and abuse through prevention and help. This is the only way to control and curb the drug trade in our district.
We …
– strengthen drug education work in schools and social areas
– demand model projects for state-controlled cannabis distribution
– want more drug consumption rooms, syringe vending machines, low-threshold substitution facilities and syringe disposal containers.
Xhain should be a home for all generations, in which all have access to appropriate infrastructure and support services and live in active neighbourhoods and stable social structures.
We …
– strengthen families through diverse childcare and family centres.
– create open spaces and playgrounds for children and families.
– ensure optimal childcare and working conditions for educators.
– enable older people to live a self-determined life and to participate in the political and cultural dialogue in the district.
Schools should be a happy, inclusive place of learning and living for all children and young people, regardless of their origin, refugee experience, mental or physical condition, sexual identity or the financial means of their parents.
We …
– make it possible for pupils at every secondary school in the district to graduate from high school.
– put school cleaning back in the responsibility of the district
– demand new buildings, renovation and better equipment for schools in the district
– fight against discrimination in schools
– create inclusive schools to reduce segregation and discrimination
We are committed to ensuring that sporting opportunities in club sports, recreational sports groups and individual sports are open to all people in an inclusive way – regardless of mental, physical, cognitive and/or emotional conditions as well as origin, gender, age, sexual orientation and social, cultural or financial background.
We …
– remove barriers for people with disabilities in public spaces
– provide a variety of community and individual sporting opportunities, free sports facilities, exercise and open spaces in the district
– advocate at the state level for the renovation of swimming pools and the expansion of teaching facilities
We want to shape the changes ahead of us. We want to work with you for a sustainable, just and social future. Your vote this year can set the course for this.We need policies now that tackle the crucial issues boldly:
– for consistent climate protection and a new mobility in Berlin’s smallest and most densely populated district
– for a housing and rent policy that focuses on the common good and cooperation with the people instead of the financial sector
– for a society that is diverse, colourful and united in solidarity and that shapes the future together
We invite you to join us – for a Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg that is green, social, just and diverse as never before.